The Magic Mist Group was born out of the concept of amalgamating a number of essential Facilities Management Solutions under a one source provider all geared towards enabling our customers and clients to focus on what matters most to them.

For over 50 years, the Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI) has led the industry by providing specific programs and certifications based on current trends, industry data and scientific research.
Proudly, more than 30 years ago, Magic Mist Services Limited embraced the Vision of this organisation because it understood the invaluable benefits to be gained by becoming a member.
Today, our business partnership with the BSCAI remains strong and active for the benefit of our clients, customers, and the national community.
During the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic this partnership has proven to be even more invaluable. As a member of the Association we have the benefit of international training and certification as it relates to mitigating the spread of this virus as well as providing disinfection and sanitization services to infected areas.
Today we are proud to announce that a select group of Service Team Members have successfully completed the BSCAI COVID-19 Disinfection & Safety Course. This training will ensure that, as an organisation, we are prepared to play a significant role in maintaining the health of our nation.
The BSCAI COVID-19 Disinfection & Safety Course meets the requirements of the US Green Building Council. The course highlights routine disinfection and health and safety practices for staff and users of the various facilities. It is cogent, relevant and was developed to prepare our Service Team Members in five (5) key areas:
- The Science of Cleaning and Disinfecting
- The Basics of Infection Control and COVID-19
- Worksite Safety Precautions
- Disinfecting Procedures for COVID-19
- Communications and Documentation
As a Total Facilities Management Solutions provider whose purpose and vision is to “deliver Smart Innovative SOLUTIONS in operating our business successfully”. Magic Mist Services Limited understands the importance of providing quality services and solutions that meet international industry best practices, particularly during this COVID-19 pandemic.
We operate in multiple sectors, such as education, healthcare, commercial, residential and industrial, guaranteeing excellence and value for money. Our reputation for delivering High Quality, Residential, Commercial and Industrial Services and Solutions are pegged to our commitment to ensuring our Service Team Members are highly trained.
As we forge ahead during these uncertain times, you can rest assured in the knowledge that Magic Mist Services Limited will always remain true to its purpose of creating and maintaining healthy, safe and functional environments.

Magic Mist Benevolent Foundation
Magic Mist Benevolent Foundation is an incorporated, non-profit entity that was formed out of a deep need to assist one of the company’s’ faithful Group Service Team Member. The foundation was founded by Group Executive Chairman Mr. Asa M.P. Sealy, whose vision after seeing the overwhelming social needs and support of its Service Team Members, individuals, non-profitable organizations, and the wider communities who have been stricken due natural disasters, social hardships, and other harsh and adverse situations.

Magic Mist Community
Magic Mist Community is the engine that fuels our Corporate Social Responsibility within our communities. We embrace and inspire, we assist and support with the aim and focus of living together in harmony while caring for each other and the environment.
Our sense of community spirit is demonstrated by our commitment to invest time, resources and energy in individuals or families, who are in need of help, caring for the environment, collaborating with schools within our communities on positive projects that will enhance the skills and minds of our future generations and working together with our communities to build and enhance our community, homes, businesses and lives.